This is a piece of art I made Nick for his birthday this year....lyrics to a Clem Snide song. I just need to have a new mat cut for it, as the current one is a little too large. I'm toying with the idea of producing some more (different lyrics, though) and selling them in an Etsy shop. We'll see. I really like the idea of incorporating meaningful words into art without the whole thing being too literal.
I find myself doing some really fascinating projects sometimes- not just your standard envelopes and place cards. I have been working with a great couple for the past couple of months, doing all of their wedding materials. They got married this past weekend on a historic plantation in Virginia. Apparently, a cone of sugar wrapped in paper and sealed with wax is a traditional favor for events held at this plantation, so they had me write all of the guests' names on these lovely, awkward little cones. Hundreds of them. It was definitely the heaviest job I have ever taken to ship....almost broke my back and the bank! But I definitely loved the challenge.
Not sure how many of you (besides Marianne!) are really that interested in seeing my weekly CSA share, but I sort of just like setting up the vegetable photo shoots. Such accommodating subjects, those peppers! Now I just need to know what on earth to do with okra.
These are just some shots of some lovely Vera Wang envelopes I sent off today to a bride in Oklahoma. I loved the long, vertical format- so different from what I normally see.
We're subscribing to a share in our local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) this fall, and this was the initial week of the fall session. I'm super excited about the prospect of eating locally grown, organic produce every week, and I really do think it is a good have to pay for the entire three months up front, but when you break it down it comes out to less than $20 dollars a week. It is a constant challenge to get Nick to eat the vegetables I buy, so hopefully this will help in bolstering the enthusiasm around here. A couple of you were curious about the quantity/ variety each week would have to offer, so I will try to remember to take a little photo shoot each week to document the bounty!
We also bought some locally produced honey, which I read somewhere is supposed to help with allergies. We'll see!