My good friend Marianne came over for lunch today with her baby Nathaniel, and we had this raspberry buttermilk cake for dessert. Yum. It was a wonderfully sweet time, and I highly recommend the recipe. I pretty much highly recommend every recipe on the Smitten Kitchen site- by far my favorite cooking blog (after Molly, of course.) Thanks for a wonderful time, Marianne and Nate! (Photo by Deb of Smitten Kitchen)
I made this blackberry tart a couple of weekends ago based off of Jamie Oliver's recipe, lifted from this great cookbook. Makes me feel almost ready for summer. Almost. You just sort of brace yourself for a summer in Tucson.
I love and really prefer giving "living" gifts so very much, do you? There is something so beautiful about giving someone (and receiving) something that is alive and can't be wrapped up or stuffed in a gift bag. Here are some Mother's Day herbs we gave to my lovely mother-in-law a couple Sundays ago.
Speaking of living gifts, I'll just take this opportunity to post this sickeningly adorable picture of Belle and Sebastian- the living gifts I received from Nick as a wedding present three years ago. It makes me laugh every time I see it.
These amazing stamps are being released today...Steve, who works at my favorite post office ever, gave me a heads up a couple of weeks ago, saying "There are some new stamps coming out that I think will be just your cup of tea." He was so very right! Can't wait to scoop them up.
Nick and I just took 7 twelve and thirteen year olds on a trip to California; the one picture of the nine of us all together was on the wrong setting and turned out like this. I actually kind of like it, don't you ? It was a long five days, but very sweet.