I'm excited to present this spread from Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles- they contacted me to do some lettering for this story and I think it looks lovely with the feel of the piece, don't you? What a fun project!
This week I completed these kraft envelopes with stark white lettering for a sweet couple in Brooklyn, Jessamine and Chad. Check out the charming wedding site that Chad designed!
I had such fun doing these envelopes and tags for a lovely bride in Los Angeles...the beautiful invites are by Sycamore Street Press. Don't they make you feel fully ready for Spring? I love the pairing of teal and coral.
Okay, I admit it. We stole some lemons. But they were on a huge tree! In the yard of an abandoned house! They were going to go to waste! So we took some, and I made this tart, the recipe found here. This tart is amazing. I could eat it every day for the rest of my life and probably never get tired of it- although I probably wouldn't fit into my favorite jeans anymore. But it might be worth it. And there is something so relaxing about the process of making the sabayon (the filling). Does anyone else find themselves doing some seriously productive pondering while they are baking?
I don't remember where I stumbled upon the link to this little print shop, but I absolutely fell in love with this whale print. I'm crushed that they are sold out. But anyway, it reminded me of the really interesting article I just read in National Geographic about blue whales. What amazing, majestic creatures! I would love to go whale watching sometime. Have any of you ever done that?