Sunday, January 16, 2011

greener grass...

I've been realizing more and more lately that I have an issue with contentment, and it tends to lead to feelings of restlessness; not appreciating the wonderful circumstances and situations I am surrounded by everyday. One of my goals for the new year is to appreciate being "in the moment," as cheeseball as that sounds, and one of the things I want to specifically work on is loving- really relishing- where I live. Living (and growing up) in Tucson, sometimes I get really antsy to live somewhere, well, greener, with seasons, and tree-lined streets, and fields of grass everywhere. But I forget how much beauty is right here, in my own city, in my own state- in our own little corner of the West.
The grass is always greener
. This has a new meaning for me, as I try to train my thoughts to deliberately appreciate where I am right now, in the physical sense and in every other sense of the word. Nick and I plan to take some "local adventures" this year, exploring the beauty of the West as much as we are able. I'll be sure to report back!


  1. love this resolution. the grass is truly greener! some days i would kill to move back to az and i think most people would kill to have your talent. xx

  2. i love this resolution! i often feel uncontent and restless also. i plan to make some kind of poster to post over my desk, reminding me to live in the moment because before you know it, that moment will be gone!

  3. Jenny Clark9:41 AM

    My parents have a gorgeous cabin in Heber, Arizona and I would love for you guys to go there for awhile - its greener! You let me know and I'll give you the info. They love when people visit. Its a really gorgeous place!

    Also - if you head to the Lake Powell area, keep me posted, we have space up there too : )

    hugs on your contentment journey - I am RIGHT there with ya!!! : )

  4. Betsy, I was thinking about this just today! What happened in Tucson was really horrible. However, living in Texas, it has been so nice to see our Tucson mountains so frequently on the news. The Nightly News with Brian Jennings closed out last night with a shot of the Catalina's and it made me miss home so much. It's just a different kind of beauty.

  5. my sentiments in the moment, it is all we have. love checking in here.
