Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Stacks upon stacks upon stacks...

It's been a busy few months around these parts. So much going on. Sometimes a feel a bit like Sisyphus, can you relate? Never-ending stacks of envelopes, stacks of emails, stacks of laundry, stacks of dishes, stacks (in my mind) of things I'd love to do if only I had more time. What do you do to keep sane during busy seasons of life?


  1. That's a good question—I'm having a bit of trouble keeping sane myself! Hope things quiet down a little for you (and you find laundry neatly stacked in folded piles soon—as I also hope mine is magically when I get home)!

  2. I wish I knew the answer! What sometimes helps me is a list spelling out the most important things I want to get done. I have a pretty pink index card sitting right in front of me doing just that.

    … and winding down in the evening to recharge your batteries can do wonders. :)

    (By the way, I rediscovered your work in one of the UPPERCASE magazines and fell madly in love. You have an awesome style, it inspires me to no end!)

  3. I keep my fridge fully stocked with splits of prosecco and rose wines and make sure I have a great magazine to escape to at all times.
