Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Gold for Autumn.

Very autumnal-looking gold ink for a job I worked on this week....hopefully the weather around here will catch the drift and start cooling off soon!
CSA crop- week five.


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    guess what else looks gorgeous in gold?

    your csa loot looks so great!

  2. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Hey! Awesome you all do a CSA! We are in a CSA too and have been members of the local Weston A Price chapter here - Whole Life Co-op.I think there is a chapter in Tucson. www.westonaprice.org

  3. Oh thanks, Jenny! I'll have to check that out. Miss you guys!

  4. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Hi Betsy, was wondering what ink you use. Whenever I play around with gold or silver it clogs up the pen too much. Do you water it down? I love your work!
